If you generate HTML files, html-proofer might be the tool for you. If you can't be bothered with a Ruby environment or fancy something a bit faster, htmltest may be a better option.
🔍 htmltest runs your HTML output through a series of checks to ensure all your links, images, scripts references work, your alt tags are filled in, et cetera.
🏇 Faster? Yep, quite a bit actually. On a site with over 2000 files htmlproofer took over three minutes, htmltest took 8.6 seconds. Both tools had full valid caches.
😕 Why make another tool: A mix of frustration with using htmlproofer/Ruby on large sites and needing a good project to get to grips with Go.
This godownloader script will query GitHub for the latest release and download the correct binary for your platform into the directory set with the -b
curl https://htmltest.wjdp.uk | sudo bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin
You'll be prompted for your password. After simply do htmltest
to run.
curl https://htmltest.wjdp.uk | bash
By default this will install htmltest
into ./bin
of your current directory, to run do bin/htmltest
. Rather suitable for CI environments.
Run curl https://htmltest.wjdp.uk | bash -s -- -h
for help text.
We're available in some package repositories such as Homebrew and repos for certain distros. Do note the version available may not be the latest.
⬇️ Download the latest binary release and put it somewhere on your PATH.
docker run -v $(pwd):/test --rm wjdp/htmltest
Mount your directory with html files into the container and test them.
If you need more arguments to the test run it like this:
docker run -v $(pwd):/test --rm wjdp/htmltest -l 3 -s
We store temporary files in tmp/.htmltest
by default. This contains a log of output and a cache of external links, speeding up subsequent runs. You probably want to ignore it in version control, and perhaps cache it in your CI system.
htmltest - Test generated HTML for problems
htmltest [options] [<path>]
htmltest -v --version
htmltest -h --help
<path> Path to directory or file to test, if omitted we
attempt to read from .htmltest.yml.
-c FILE, --conf FILE Custom path to config file.
-h, --help Show this text.
-l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL Logging level, 0-3: debug, info, warning, error.
-s, --skip-external Skip external link checks, may shorten execution
time considerably.
-v, --version Show version and build time.
Many options of the following tests can customised. Items marked 🔜 are not checked yet, but will be soon.
: Whether internal links work / are valid.a
: Whether internal hashes work.a
: Whether external links work.a
: 🔜 Whether external hashes work.a
: Whether external links use HTTPS.img
: Whether your images have valid alt attributes.link
: Whether pages have a valid favicon.meta
: Whether refresh tags are valid and the url works.meta
: 🔜 Whether images and URLs in the OpenGraph metadata are valid.meta
: 🔜 Whether you've got the recommended tags in your head.DOCTYPE
: Whether a doctype is correctly specified.
I'd like to test the following but won't be for a while.
- Whether your HTML markup is valid. htmlproofer has the ruby library Nokogiri, I've not found one for Go yet.
Add the data-proofer-ignore
attribute to any tag or to the class of a tag to ignore it from every check. The name of this attribute can be customised.
<a href="http://notareallink" data-proofer-ignore>Not checked.</a>
Checking external URLs can slow tests down and potentially annoy the URL's host. htmltest caches the status code of checked external URLs and stores this cache between runs. We write the cache to tmp/.htmltest/refcache.json
and expire items after two weeks by default.
By default, output in the TTY uses colours to indicate warnings, errors, and success. To turn off colourization, set an environment variable named NO_COLOR
. If it is present, no colour will be used. The value is ignored. (See no-color.org.)
If you've got a lot of errors, reading them off a TTY may be difficult. We write errors to tmp/.htmltest/htmltest.log
by default. The log level is set in the config file.
htmltest uses a YAML configuration file. Put .htmltest.yml
in the same directory that you're running the tool from and you can just say htmltest
to run your tests. You'll probably also want to cache the tmp/.htmltest
Option | Description | Default |
DirectoryPath |
Directory to scan for HTML files. | |
DirectoryIndex |
The file to look for when linking to a directory. | index.html |
FilePath |
Single file to test within DirectoryPath , omit to test all. |
FileExtension |
Extension of your HTML documents, includes the dot. If FilePath is set we use the extension from that. |
.html |
CheckDoctype |
Enables checking the document type declaration. | true |
CheckAnchors |
Enables checking <a… tags. |
true |
CheckLinks |
Enables checking <link… tags. |
true |
CheckImages |
Enables checking <img… tags |
true |
CheckScripts |
Enables checking <script… tags. |
true |
CheckMeta |
Enables checking <meta… tags. |
true |
CheckGeneric |
Enables other tags, see items marked with checkGeneric on the tags wiki page. | true |
CheckExternal |
Enables external reference checking; all tag types. | true |
CheckInternal |
Enables internal reference checking; all tag types. When disabled will prevent internal hash checking unless the reference only contains a hash fragment (#heading ) and therefore refers to the current page. |
true |
CheckInternalHash |
Enables internal hash/fragment checking. | true |
CheckMailto |
Enables–albeit quite basic–mailto: link checking. |
true |
CheckTel |
Enables–albeit quite basic–tel: link checking. |
true |
CheckFavicon |
Enables favicon checking, ensures every page has a favicon set. | false |
CheckMetaRefresh |
Enables checking meta refresh tags. | true |
EnforceHTML5 |
Fails when the doctype isn't <!DOCTYPE html> . |
false |
EnforceHTTPS |
Fails when encountering an http:// link. Useful to prevent mixed content errors when serving over HTTPS. |
false |
IgnoreURLs |
Array of regexs of URLs to ignore. | empty |
IgnoreInternalURLs |
Array of strings of internal URLs to ignore. Exact matches only. ⚠ Likely to be deprecated, use IgnoreURLs instead. |
empty |
IgnoreHTTPS |
Array of regexs of URLs to ignore for EnforceHTTPS . These URLs are still tested, unless also present in IgnoreURLs . |
empty |
IgnoreDirs |
Array of regexs of directories to ignore when scanning for HTML files. | empty |
IgnoreInternalEmptyHash |
When true prevents raising an error for links with href="#" . |
false |
IgnoreEmptyHref |
When true prevents raising an error for links with href="" . |
false |
IgnoreCanonicalBrokenLinks |
When true produces a warning, rather than an error, for broken canonical links. When testing a site which isn't live yet or before publishing a new page canonical links will fail. | true |
IgnoreExternalBrokenLinks |
When true produces a warning, rather than an error, for broken external links. Useful when testing a site having hundreds of external links. | false |
IgnoreAltMissing |
Turns off image alt attribute checking. | false |
IgnoreAltEmpty |
Allows alt="" for decorative images. |
false |
IgnoreDirectoryMissingTrailingSlash |
Turns off errors for links to directories without a trailing slash. | false |
IgnoreSSLVerify |
Turns off x509 errors for self-signed certificates. | false |
IgnoreTagAttribute |
Specify the ignore attribute. All tags with this attribute or with this class will be excluded from every check. | "data-proofer-ignore" |
HTTPHeaders |
Dictionary of headers to include in external requests | {"Range": "bytes=0-0", "Accept": "*/*"} |
TestFilesConcurrently |
false |
DocumentConcurrencyLimit |
Maximum number of documents to process at once. | 128 |
HTTPConcurrencyLimit |
Maximum number of open HTTP connections. If you raise this number ensure the ExternalTimeout is suitably raised. |
16 |
LogLevel |
Logging level, 0-3: debug, info, warning, error. | 2 |
LogSort |
How to sort/present issues. Can be seq for sequential output or document to group by document. |
document |
ExternalTimeout |
Number of seconds to wait on an HTTP connection before failing. | 15 |
RedirectLimit |
Allowed number of redirects. Use built-in behavior with negative values. | -1 |
StripQueryString |
Enables stripping of query strings from external checks. | true |
StripQueryExcludes |
List of URLs to disable query stripping on. | ["fonts.googleapis.com"] |
OutputDir |
Directory to store cache and log files in. Relative to executing directory. | tmp/.htmltest |
OutputCacheFile |
File within OutputDir to store reference cache. |
refcache.json |
OutputLogFile |
File within OutputDir to store last tests errors. |
htmltest.log |
CacheExpires |
Cache validity period, accepts go.time duration strings (…"m", "h"). | 336h (two weeks) |
DirectoryPath: "_site"
EnforceHTTPS: true
- "example.com"
- "^/misc/js/script.js$"
- "lib"
CacheExpires: "6h"