💡macOS 和 Windows 分别推出了适合 老系统/老设备 的版本,对于新用户,请先运行默认版,如有问题再尝试这些专门适配版。
相关链接 :
来 wiki 看看 wiliwili 还能玩出什么花样来: https://github.com/xfangfang/wiliwili/wiki
SteamDeck 防锁屏插件: https://github.com/xfangfang/DeckyInhibitScreenSaver
v1.5.1 更新说明 :
- 【修复】Linux Wayland 触摸抖动
- 【修复】PC 输入框多行文本不显示输入光标
- 【修复】PS4 修复无法调整视频伽马值的问题
- 【新增】Windows 新版本自动推送到 WinGet
- 【新增】PSV 全方位提升应用流畅度
- 【新增】PSV 支持通过 CapUnlocker 调用系统保留核心
- 【新增】PSV 支持弹幕智能防挡
- 【新增】搜索页面高亮搜索关键字
- 【新增】支持从聊天页面跳转到指定视频
- 【新增】若干自定义配置支持 (见 Wiki)
- 【修复】播放器通过快捷键快进快退后,不自动隐藏进度条
- 【修复】字幕显示错乱
- 【修复】部分系统不显示视频卡片角标
- 【修复】部分视频自动重播失败
- 【修复】点击自己的动态回复无法进入对应动态
- 【优化】提升网络请求速度
- 【优化】避免 MPV 在本地目录缓存着色器(保持配置文件夹整洁)
- 【调整】关闭 TLS 验证后使用 HTTP 进行请求
- 【其他】UI 微调、性能改善与不易察觉的bug修复
Change log:
- [Fixed]: Linux Wayland, touch jittering
- [Fixed]: PC input box cursor not displayed in multi-line text
- [Fixed]: PS4, issue with inability to adjust video gamma
- [Added]: Windows, updates automatically pushed to WinGet
- [Added]: PSV, app smoothness improved
- [Added]: PSV, supports CapUnlocker
- [Added]: PSV, supports smart danmaku mask
- [Added]: Highlight search keywords
- [Added]: Support jumping to specified videos from the chat
- [Added]: Several custom configurations added (see Wiki)
- [Fixed]: Some videos fail to auto-replay
- [Fixed]: Subtitles display incorrectly
- [Fixed]: Video card icons not displayed on some systems.
- [Fixed]: OSD doesn't auto-hide after using shortcuts.
- [Fixed]: Clicking on one's own activity replies does not lead to the corresponding activity
- [Optimized]: Improved network request speed
- [Optimized]: Prevent MPV caching shaders locally
- [Optimized]: Change to HTTP after disabling TLS verification
- [Optimized]: Minor UI tweaks, performance improvements, and subtle bug fixes
Please refer to the GitHub release page for detailed information.
Thanks to:
- @dragonflylee Windows related issues and other fixes
- @Dragon1573 Add WinGet related support
- @WindowsMarty Published wiliwili to the Xbox App Store