The simple tool to quickly share file or folder in local network.
After running the tool it gives you the precise commands that you can pass to your teammate to receive the file(s).
The tool also renders simple static server web-UI:
Sharing a file:
$ serv '/path/to/report.pdf'
To download the file please use one of the commands below:
curl > 'report.pdf'
wget -O- > 'report.pdf'
curl --compressed > 'report.pdf'
wget -O- | gunzip > 'report.pdf'
Sharing a folder (all the files in it):
$ serv '/path/to/folder'
To download the files please use one of the commands below.
NB! All files will be placed into current folder!
curl | tar -xvf -
wget -O- | tar -xvf -
curl | tar -xzvf -
wget -O- | tar -xzvf -
Files listing:
Help message:
$ serv -h
serv ver. 1.0.1 (GraalVM CE 21.3.0, openjdk 17.0.1 2021-10-19)
usage: serv [...options] <file or folder> [...<file or folder>]
-H,--host <arg> host to serve on (default is determined automatically)
-h,--help print help and exit
--include-vcs include VCS files (default = false)
-p,--port <arg> port to serve on (default = 17777)
-v,--version print version and exit
Yes! All that simple!
Sorry, but only Linux x64 is supported at the moment. Hopefully this will improve.
To install or update the tool simply run the command below.
sudo bash -e -c "
wget -O/usr/local/bin/serv
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/serv
echo \"serv \$(serv -v) installed successfully\"
Also since the tool is written in Java (and compiled to executable via GraalVM AOT compiler) it can also be run in any environment with Java 8 or above as traditional Java app.
Captured a tag with last commit where favicon was done via embedding bytes in Java code: favicon-via-bytes-in-java. This was necessary since this was the most reliable way to serve resources in Graal at time.