- Model, View, Controller
- Migration, factory, seeders, relationship, localScope
- components, props, reuseable components
- controller all method index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy
- authentication, authoriztion, gate, policy
- mail, queue, command, schedule
- mysql, sql, queryBuilder
- trait, middleware
- How to add tailwindcss into the project
- Create components and layout for less code
- Create model and migrate table
- Use factory method to create dummy data
- Define RelationShip belongTo, hasOne, hasMany
- use localScope to clean code in a controller
- this project job, employer, user, jobApplication table create with relationship
- auth, gate, policy use for authentication and authoriztion
- Gain logic to build application
- Gain knowledge how to working with custome theme and mastaring theme
- This warranty-system all bussines login create me
- Working with session and gain knowledge about session
- and lot's of topic clear theme this project
- Gain knowledge about factory and seeder in depth
- Filter data with gat method
- use localscope to clean code
- Beauty of fat model clean controller
- Lean api router
- Auth sanctum for authoriztion and authintication
- Resource for data retrive